Instrumentation manufacturing has grown from big to strong Need for innovation and quality "two brushes"

Hits:Updated:2020-04-03 11:04:40【Print】

In the 70 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, China's manufacturing industry has developed rapidly and achieved remarkable industrial achievements in a short period of time. It has established the world's only modern industrial system with all the categories listed in the United Nations Industrial Classification. World manufacturing power. As an important part of China's manufacturing industry, the instrument manufacturing industry has played an important role in promoting the development of the national economy. According to statistics from relevant departments, as early as 2006, China has become Asia's second largest producer of instruments and meters except Japan. After rapid development in recent years, China's instrument and meter manufacturing industry has a relatively large variety of products. The industrial system of production and development capabilities has become increasingly large, and the growth rate of production and sales has been surging, but various difficulties remain hidden in it.
With the transformation of the economy and the continuous shift of the world ’s manufacturing industry, many urgent problems in the instrumentation and manufacturing industry have gradually emerged. Weak innovation capabilities, and some of the “stuck neck” core basic parts and components still rely heavily on imports. The sustainable development of China's instrument manufacturing industry. How is China's instrument and meter manufacturing industry going from big to strong as the manufacturing industry moves towards high-quality development? There is also a need to play the "two brushes" of innovation and quality.
Towards a powerful instrument manufacturing country, innovation is a "weapon"
At present, the challenges faced by China's instrument and meter manufacturing industry, in addition to coexisting with low-end excess capacity and insufficient supply of high-end products, are lack of innovation in new product development, insufficient reserves of new technologies, and major external dependence on key technologies. .
According to Chinese customs statistics, from 2013 to 2017, the six major categories of imported instruments were between 70 billion and 90 billion yuan each year. At the same time, in many of the instruments and meters that have been domestically produced, there is a problem of "hollowing". For example, a Guangzhou instrument manufacturing company uses 40% of its net profit every year to purchase high-end general-purpose components (high-end lasers, molecular pumps) required for mass spectrometers. This situation urgently needs to be improved.
"At present, the global demand for 'made in China' is close to saturation. To achieve high-quality development in China's manufacturing industry depends on providing more innovative products." Shi Wei, director of the industrial department of the Economic Development and Management Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, believes that The high-quality development of the manufacturing industry should gradually change from an over-reliance on foreign equipment and technology introduction to an innovation-led development model.
Industry insiders suggest that the high-quality development of the instrumentation industry should coordinate policies and financial resources. In the transformation of the enterprise, support key processes, technology research and development and industrialization of sensors, industrial software and industrial control systems, so as to enhance the core competition of domestic instrumentation. force.
Toward a powerful country in instrument manufacturing, quality is the "life gate"
"Now from the perspective of the total industrial output value and the number of products, China is a well-deserved manufacturing country, but there is still a gap from the true manufacturing power." Liu Zhaobin, president of China Quality Miles Promotion Association, believes that quality is the "lifeblood of the product" ".
At present, China has become a major producer of commonly used instruments and meters, and has accumulated sufficient production supply. However, the basic research efforts of China's instrument and meter manufacturing industry are not enough, and there are still some imperfections in instrument and meter manufacturing technology, especially some key technologies have not been well solved, which has led to the instability, accuracy and reliability of some high-end instrument and meter products It is also relatively low, and product quality needs to be continuously improved.
"For better quality, we must have a strong technical foundation to support, including a country's measurement, standards, certification, inspection and testing and market supervision." Liu Zhaobin said that at present, the measurement coverage rate of China's manufacturing enterprises is about 50%. It is difficult to achieve high-level professional technical indicators. The next step should be to work harder on the measurement and standardization of the product to make up for the gaps in the traceability, comparison and calibration of the data.
In addition, to improve the quality of instrumentation products, craftsman spirit is essential. At present, there are 2,734 "hidden champions" in the world's SMEs, of which more than 1,300 are in Germany. They rely on a long-term research spirit of excellence, perseverance and meticulousness, and a sustained focus on their own product areas. Instrument manufacturing is slow, and you can't play without the spirit of craftsmanship.
The ancients said: "If you don't accumulate steps, there will be no miles." The high-quality development of the instrumentation industry must conform to the trend of the times and the development law of the manufacturing industry. Only by solving a series of problems faced by the instrumentation industry in China, the instrumentation industry will be better tomorrow.
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